08:00 am - 06:00 pm

HR Capacity Building

A) Strategic HR Management, Organizational Development (OD) & Human Capital Development (HCD)

HR Capacity Building Digital Lock Strategic HR Advisory has a wide spectrum of strategic HR management advisory services including HR Strategy Development, Organizational Development, HR Audit, HR Policies Development, Compensation Benchmarking, Satisfaction Surveys, Employee Development Programs & Competency Frameworks Development, Performance Management – Balanced Scorecard/KPIs & Other HR services.

We believe that the HR function contributes significantly towards building a successful organization. Our vision and mission articulate a preferred future that encompasses a professional Human Resources that process skills, dignity, leadership and progressive aptitude with knowledge, expertise and infrastructure to develop and sustain the workforce of our partner organizations.

We are dedicated success partner of our clients and assist their organization with effective programs and best HR practices that attracts, sustains and inspires human & organizational excellence. Our key services are:

  • Strategic HR Management & Organization Development Advisory
  • HR Capacity Building, Talent Development & LMS Advisory
  • HR Management Information System (HRMIS) Advisory
  • HR Recruitment (Technical & Executive Management)
  • Payroll Management Services
  • HR Outsourcing Services

We believe in the vision to develop the organizations with best HR practices that enables our clients’ excellence and to develop a culture where People Thrive, Partnership Prevails & Performance Excels.

Our services aim in developing leading practices in the capacity development, recruitment, retention and development of outstanding Human resources. Therefore, we work to facilitate the alignment of human capital with organizational goals of our clients. Our OD services focuses on:

  • Contributing to Ensuring that performance management systems & staffing are aimed at achieving the organizations objectives.
  • Helps the organization develop action plan for achievement of company’s objective for future through Annual / five yearly strategic Management planning for best strategic implementation.
  • HR Budgeting and Annual Staffing plan
  • To minimize destruction/ disruption of organization process through Management’s Business process Re-engineering and Change Management System
  • Helps to focus sharper at our clients’ competitive posture and position
  • Focuses on short- & long-term people requirements.
  • Designing of HR Manuals
  • Designing of Performance Management System
  • Designing of HR Audit system
  • Developing Internal Control system

Digital Lock Solutions provides complete learning and development solutions for the human capital development. We have a variety of soft skills training solutions with a most competent trainers and professionals. We provide the technical trainings on system development and professional capacity building of the human resources. Our services include:

  • Learning Gap Analysis
  • Identification of learning problems
  • Training Need Identification (TNI)
  • Training Need Analysis (TNA)
  • All complete solutions of Learning management System (LMS)
  • Learning and Development policy
  • Customize training designing
  • Designing of Training Modules
  • Training delivery
  • Learning Impact
  • Learning linked with Performance Management System
  • Counseling Services
  • We provide the training to communities and staff on psychological counseling and Behavior Modification solutions and capacity development which includes: Psychometric test; Personality testing; Behavior modification solutions; and Counseling Services.

These are the specialized projects with the team of experts to provide end to end process execution with expert advisory for organizations and at field level execution. These projects conducted with the specific, focused and customized deliverables with short term and long-term contractual agreements. The time frame could be decided mutually as per the requirement of the project and activities. Following are the key project areas:

  • Comprehensive Base Line Studies. (Organizational Level)
  • Comprehensive Baseline Studies. (Communities, Field areas of All provinces and ICT)
  • Annual Strategic Organizational Planning Retreat
  • Team Building retreat
  • Community Based Survey and data Collection
  • Data Entry, Evaluation and Comprehensive Statistical Analysis.
  • Awareness Campaigns
  • Mid-term Evaluation (Community based Projects)
  • Third Party Project Evaluation (Overall project activities)
  • KAP Study (Knowledge Attitude and Practice)
  • GAD Analysis (Gender and Development)
B) Embracing Digital HR – Digital Lock HR Solution for SMEs & Startups

Digital Lock HR-in-a-Box Solution for SMEs & Startups, especially designed a ready to deploy HR Solutions with min customization to adopt innovative approaches in their HR operations. SMEs & Startups that are innovative, having competitive spirit and international business outlook must focus on aligning organizational structure with business vision and goals.

As we know the costs associated with hiring highly trained HR professionals on a full-time basis and deploying all HR Processes with their implementation are likely to be prohibitive for many organizations; As a result, HR activities ignored. We believe that the HR function contributes significantly towards building a successful organization.

We help such organizations to develop the HR Structure, Processes and Functions that fit in their current business model and in line with their strategic goals. We conduct a detailed study about business, their challenges associated with their industry, organizational need and give them ready to deploy solution. Digital Lock HR in a Box Solutions Includes:

  • HR Strategy & Organizational Structure
  • Key Roles & Job Descriptions
  • HR Policies & Employment Manual
  • Set up Personnel Files and an HRIS
  • Employee Recruitment (Job Advertisements, Interview Questions, Employee Letter of Offer, New Employee Onboarding)
  • Salary Structure Framework & Payroll Management
  • Compliance Documentation w.r.t. HR legal requirements
C) Embrace Digital HR – Business Transformation Though HR Technology (Human Resource Information System (HRIS)/ Human Resource Management System (HRMS)/ Human Capital Management (HCM))

Digital Lock HR (HRIS / HRMS / HCM) – HR Technology Enablement Advisory helps organizations to Select, Implement and Adopt the right HR systems that fulfil their business needs – We provide HRIS Solutions that suits and fit within your organization to achieve your business goals.

We believe that the HR function contributes significantly towards building a successful organization, Embrace Digital HR by Transformation your internal HR Functions through right HR Technology. Digital HR Technology solutions typically includes from employee data management to payroll, recruitment, training & development, talent management, benefits, compensation, employee timesheet, employee engagement, employee's performance management, workflow management, reporting & other functions.

We are dedicated success partner of our clients and assist their organization with prudent solutions that attracts, sustains and inspires human & organizational excellence. We help organization to select, implement, customize and adopt HR Technology Solution (HRIS/HRMS/HCM) – Commercial or Open Source according to their business requirements.